VOA Constitution and Bylaws
1. "Member in good standing" means a member who has paid their membership dues and is neither suspended nor expelled.
2. "Inactive" means that a member has not renewed their membership (paid their membership dues) and they are no longer allowed to participate in club activities.
3. “Suspended" means that a member is not allowed to participate in club activities.
4. "Expelled" means that a member’s membership is revoked, and they are no longer allowed to participate in club activities.
1. The name of the organization is Valley Outdoor Association (VOA).
2. The purpose of the VOA is to:
a. Supply a program of various outdoor activities.
b. Promote, and aid in the promotion of outdoor activities.
c. Maintain, conserve, and expand the areas used in outdoor activities.
3. Changes to the constitution:
a. Must be done at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Special General Meeting specifically for this purpose.
b. Must be approved by a two-thirds majority of those in attendance.
1. Voting in general:
a. For any vote to count it must be cast by those in attendance. Those that abstain and those that do not vote are not included in the vote.
2. New or changed bylaws:
a. Must be done at an AGM or Special General Meeting specifically for this purpose.
b. Must be approved by a two-thirds majority.
3. New or changed policies:
a. Approved by a majority of the Executive.
b. Become effective once the membership has been informed.
c. Can be changed or removed by a majority vote of the members.
4. Members:
a. Can be expelled or suspended from the VOA by a two-thirds majority of the Executive.
b. Members can dispute being either suspended or expelled by requesting that the issue be voted on by the membership at any General Meeting. Revoking of a suspension or expulsion must be approved by a two-thirds majority.
5. Executive:
a. Members in attendance at an AGM will choose the Executive.
b. There must be a minimum of five people on the Executive.
c. The following positions must be filled:
i. President – shall preside at all meetings of the VOA.
ii. Vice-President – stands in for the President in their absence.
iii. Secretary – responsible for preparation and custody of all minutes.
iv. Treasurer – responsible for all finances and shall report to the membership at the AGM.
v. Membership – responsible for providing information to perspective members, membership applications and providing Executive members with membership updates. Accepts payment of dues from new and/or renewing members.
d. All Executive members shall be elected for a two-year term.
e. In the case of a vacancy a member can be appointed to the position by the Executive until the next AGM.
6. Meetings:
a. Membership meetings:
i. At least thirty days’ notice shall be provided to the membership of any upcoming General Meetings.
ii. Only members in good standing (i.e. not suspended, expelled or inactive) may vote at General Meetings.
iii. A quorum will consist of a minimum of 25 members or 10% of the membership in good standing in attendance, whichever is less. If a quorum is not met the meeting will reconvene one week later at the same time and place and the quorum is three.
iv. The meeting will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.
v. Annual General Meetings (AGM):
1. One AGM must be held each year unless cancelled by a vote of the membership.
2. The election of the Executive (if their term is up) and receipt of annual reports shall be the main order of business at the AGM.
vi. General Meetings:
1. There will be a minimum of two General Meetings each year, not including the AGM.
vii. Special General Meeting:
1. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Executive or at the request of any 10 members in good standing.
b. Executive meetings:
i. There will be a minimum of one Executive meeting each year.
ii. A quorum will consist of 50% plus one of the total number of Executive members.
7. Finances:
a. The Membership must approve of any change to membership dues.
b. The Membership must approve the annual budget.
c. Signing authority:
i. Signing authority shall be any two of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer or designate as determined by the Executive.
d. Spending limits:
i. The Executive can spend up to $1,000 on any one expense item before having to go to the Membership for approval.
ii. The Executive can extend a loan of up to $7,500 for any one activity deposit before having to go to the Membership for approval.
e. The fiscal year is October 1 to September 30.
8. Federation of Mountain Clubs of B.C. (FMCBC):
a. The VOA will be a member of the FMCBC for as long as it remains in existence.
9. Dissolution of the VOA:
a. Dissolution of the VOA must be done at a Special Meeting held specifically for this purpose and must be approved by a three-quarters majority of those in attendance.
b. After paying off all debts and liabilities, and disposing of all property, all funds will be donated equally among the North Shore, Coquitlam and Lions Bay search and rescue (SAR) organizations; or any other SAR organization if any of these are no longer in existence.
This document confirmed for implementation as of October 7th 2024.